Saturday, December 18, 2010

rindu GEWE aq . ;D

aq sayam mg budax comam !

hey . im back . ;D . cheer ! ary nim aq bngn awal lagi . cop cop ! awal ke ? kul  1 lbeyh . alah , awal lh jgk tuu kan daripada biasa . patu rindu kt blog aq yg cun melecun niyh . *hak elahhh , perasan sekali sekala tak apa kan ? huhu . um , then , aq bkk blog my LOVELY one . *lepas bo0 aq . haha . my besties . aq baca blog dia . sangat2 terharu , dia letak pixca aq . dia tulis . dia miss aq lahh . aq pon menangis . actually , aq rindu dia sangat sangat . di skola , oram pnggl dia gewe aq . byk bnda yam kitoram uat sesama . aq xtau camana nk bkk skola nie dgn tak ada dia . aq sdeyh . next year , aq pekse . tapi , gewe aq xdop . ;(( slalu kat skola , lau aq geram ngan sape2 , aq gtau dia . dia pon same . kitoram bergosip lah . hha .sampai kan ada ckgu pnggl kitorng internet bergerak . hagaga . klu mg bco post aq kli nim . msty mg terharu . aituh aq nk jupo mg , mg xleyh tubik . lmo dh xout nga mg . hey gurl , when u go to ur new school . pliss , dun forget me bcoz . im oweys miss u non stop gurl ! mg gewe aq . mg saem baek aq . mg nok tau dop ? everytime im thinking bout school , i will miss u n i will cry myself . u r my besties ever ! n i hav preapare sumthim for u gurl , read dat . 
so here's to..
the crap we talk
the guys we stalk

the way we shop
laugh's we can stop
the gossip we spill
the looks that could kill
we'll stay together
cuz we're
best friend forever !

mg tahu dop byk mnoe aq saye ko mg ?? aq saye mg lajop lajop ! mace geli gituh deyh ? hom lah , kito ke gewe . haha . then , honestly . i dun know how could i continue d sucker of life in dat school without u ! i <3 u before n after non stop gurl !